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Travel with a Purpose

CFC Make a Difference (MAD) Trips

Every year, more than 700 volunteers travel to CFC schools. Staff and volunteer trip coordinators work hand in hand with each group to build itineraries and match each group with a ‘most-needed” project while ensuring our students and communities are respected and protected. Volunteers help build and maintain campus infrastructure, work with students on English as a Second Language, and more.

Fun Make a Difference Trips we have hosted in the past:

  • Family Trips - These trips are a great way for Mom and Dad to teach the kids the importance of giving back. Often we find it's the grandparents who lead the trip and bring multiple generations to Cambodia to change the lives of our students.
  • Girls/Guys Trips - What a wonderful way to mix in some good deeds with your trip to see the temples of Angkor Wat, enjoy Pub Street, or just relax in the beautiful hotels of Siem Reap. 
  • Corporate Team Building - Our service projects and a visit to the schools offer a wonderful avenue for team bonding while truly making a difference in the world.  Companies who have participated in the past include Microsoft, Credit Suisse, and TD Securities. 
  • School Groups - Our trips provide a wonderful opportunity to mix learning and service for your students and staff. We are fortunate to have several school groups from Singapore and the United States who have made trips to our campuses an annual event. 

Whoever you come with and whatever project you decide to tackle, one thing is certain: You will change the lives of not only our students but yourself as well. Our trip participants leave Cambodia with their eyes opened and their hearts full. 

Click the image (above) to download our CFC Trip Guide for detailed information. For general information on our Make a Difference Trips, please click on the image below or email us.

Read on to learn about CFC volunteer experiences!

  • Reichenbach Family Testimonial

    "We participated in Food for Thought and toured several schools. It was fun watching the students’ reactions to the silly magic tricks my son would show them. This was an impactful experience for my children. They learned how important it is to make sure all children have the same access to good schools, so they can dream big and so those dreams can come true.”
    ~ Ann Murphy Reinchenbach (California)

  • Elle Epstein SAS 8th Grader Testimonial

    “Throughout the trip, I kept asking myself what service meant to me. It means recognizing someone else’s needs and putting them before your own. Helping others is something I’m really passionate about; all the privileges I’ve had in my life, give me the opportunity to make a difference in the world.”
    ~ Elle Epstien, 8th-grader, Singapore American School

  • Hanna/Spitznagle Family Testimonial

    “Simply put: The Amelio School is a special place. We hope the bright and cheerful new wall that surrounds the school is reflective of how beautiful it is inside. Our children enjoyed helping to paint, but most of all making some new friends and sharing the morning with the students. To see the benefits of CFC first hand was quite memorable.”
    ~ The Hanna Family and Spitznagle Family (Singapore)

Our Impact This Year

  • Students


  • Schools


  • Cost to Educate a Child


  • Meals Served


  • Toothbrushes Provided


  • Education Center
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